Elaborate doggy desserts

Elaborate doggy desserts

Pet owners have found new innovative ways to celebrate their pups! The latest being dog parties and celebrations that include elaborate cakes.MORE

The Click: Top 5 Stories For 8/26 PM

The Click: Top 5 Stories For 8/26 PM

After the horrific shooting this morning of WDBJ TV station reporters, Allison Parker and Adam Ward, our thoughts are with everyone involved. There is a lot that has happened since and here is the very latest (Via New York Daily News) Be sure to join 93.9 The Beat for the 2015 Plane Pull benefiting the…MORE

The Click: Top 5 Stories For 8/26 AM

The Click: Top 5 Stories For 8/26 AM

People on social media are outraged after retailers are selling Caitlyn Jenner costumes. Many say the costumes are transphobic and should be removed from stores.   That outrage could’ve come from some of Kim Kardashians many fans…the wife on Kanye West just set the record for most Instagram followers at 30 million! Chris Brown has…MORE

Honey bees with ‘backpacks’

Honey bees with ‘backpacks’

Researchers have developed a way to study and monitor honey bees by outfitting them with tiny sensors to track their movements.MORE