DISGUSTING! Woman Films As Bugs Drop Into Krispy Kreme Donuts

DISGUSTING! Woman Films As Bugs Drop Into Krispy Kreme Donuts

Take a second to examine those donuts this morning before you dig in, they may be a bit crunchier than usual. The Krispy Kreme donut shop in High Point, North Carolina, is on blast all over social media over this video. Bugs are seen falling into the glazing machine, there’s mold on the gears….it’s overall…MORE

The Click: Top 5 Stories of 10/28

The Click: Top 5 Stories of 10/28

Missy Elliot is BACK! CLICK “The Ponytail” is the face of Mac’s Viva Glam campaign! Guess who! CLICK Everyone “Netflix and chills”….but which do YOU prefer? The Netflix or the chill?! Take the quiz! CLICK Ellen Degeneres was a phenomenal Nicki Minaj! Check out the 27 times celebrities dressed up as other celebrities for Halloween!…MORE

How Awesome Is Robert Downey Jr?!

How Awesome Is Robert Downey Jr?!

We all know what he’s like on the screen… AMAZING. Now, we can say Robert Downey Jr is an all-around great person. Using his celebrity to cheer up a sick boy with Cystic Fibrosis, RDJ posted this pic to his Instagram (all dressed up as Tiger, Winnie the Pooh’s best friend):     Mr. Stark…MORE

The Click: Top 5 Stories of 10/27 PM

The Click: Top 5 Stories of 10/27 PM

Uhhhh… would you try this?! There’s a new burger in Canada stuffed with Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups! CLICK Huggies is in hot water after being accused of Photoshopping leading some to believe they’re not into that cute baby, chub. CLICK An Alabama school teacher has apologized for wearing blackface after dressing up as Kanye West. The…MORE

Beyonce Dons Classic X Men Costume To Ciara’s Birthday

Beyonce Dons Classic X Men Costume To Ciara’s Birthday

In case you missed it plastered all over the web the past couple of days, Beyonce dressed up like an X-Men character for a Halloween themed party! Yep, Mrs. Carter came to Ciara’s 30th birthday party as the African goddess of weather aka Storm of Marvel’s X-Men. Her costume received some props from the geek…MORE

Starbucks Unveils Bloody Good Halloween Frappachino!

Starbucks Unveils Bloody Good Halloween Frappachino!

Forgive my sounding like some Englander in the title, I just needed a pun to really drive this one home. Time says Starbucks today unveils it’s Halloween themed Frappula Frappachino! Available only this week, it contains the following… White chocolate sauce, milk and ice blended together then layered between mocha sauce and a dollop of…MORE

The Click: Top 5 Stories of 10/27 AM

The Click: Top 5 Stories of 10/27 AM

Guess who FINALLY joined Instagram… CLICK Is Janet Jackson’s Unbreakable Tour OVER?! CLICK This young lady discovered something REALLY interesting her freshman year of college! CLICK Pharrell Williams & Robin Thicke were NOT feeling their depositions! CLICK How well do you know the classic Eddie Murphy movie, “Coming to America?” Take the quiz to find out!…MORE

YouTube Couple Is Pregnant Again

YouTube Couple Is Pregnant Again

You may remember Sam and Nia, who are the YouTube couple who announced their pregnancy in August with a video where he poured water on a pregnancy test. Unfortunately, a few days after the video had gone viral, the couple had a miscarriage. Some people also accused them of making the whole thing up. Now,…MORE

The Click: Top 5 Stories of 10/26 PM

The Click: Top 5 Stories of 10/26 PM

CHEESE: It’s as addictive as drugs because of one ingredient. It’s all starting to make sense now. CLICK Free Taco Bell just for watching a little baseball! Taco Bell has revealed it’s Steal A Base, Steal A Breakfast campaign. Even if you don’t like baseball, they’ve given you a chance to watch and WATCH closely for those…MORE

Video: Kids Today Play With Tamagotchi’s

Video: Kids Today Play With Tamagotchi’s

Here’s a video that will make you feel super old. First off the Tamagotchi will turn 20 years old in January. Second, the kids today don’t even know how they work. To be fair, I don’t think I quite understood it back in the day either. I’m pretty sure my pet died many times and…MORE