Video: Watch DMX Geek Out Over Meeting Rakim For The First Time

Video: Watch DMX Geek Out Over Meeting Rakim For The First Time

If we get the chance to meet any of our favorite music icons, it’s expected for us to geek out. We don’t normally expect celebrities to geek out over celebrities! That being said DMX absolutely fan girls all over Rakim in this video! It’s crazy as the two are so widely separate in their styles,…MORE

The Click: Top 5 Stories of 10/30 AM

The Click: Top 5 Stories of 10/30 AM

SMH: Jared Fogle’s secret audio confessions… CLICK Justin Bieber has thrown TWO tantrums this week! Geez! CLICK What would our favorite 90s cartoons look like now?! CLICK “The Real” was renewed for a third  AND fourth season! CLICK Hello?…Hey, Adele! Is it LIONEL you’re looking for?! CLICKMORE

The Click: Top 5 Stories of 10/29 PM

The Click: Top 5 Stories of 10/29 PM

This one-legged Parapalympian athlete has the absolute best Halloween costumes, and this year decided to go as I-Hop. CLICK  What?! Does this mean I have to say goodbye to my skinny jeans? Apparently the once-huge fad for guys is coming to an end. CLICK Now this is one way to end a group of two…MORE

TBT: Wu Tang Clan Do A Nintendo Commercial!

TBT: Wu Tang Clan Do A Nintendo Commercial!

Remember the Super Game Boy? I remember being too poor to afford it, but I wanted one so bad! The ability to play my gameboy games on the Super Nintendo?! Anyway, I do not at all remember this commercial, which makes me sad because I would’ve been all about Wu Tang on a Nintendo commercial!…MORE

Video: Why It’s Hard To Have A Toddler

Video: Why It’s Hard To Have A Toddler

I’ve always heard that outside of teenage years, the hardest time to raise a child is when they are toddler age. I have no clue, but this video doesn’t make me want to find out any time soon!MORE

WOW: This Guy Made Downtown Indianapolis In Minecraft!

WOW: This Guy Made Downtown Indianapolis In Minecraft!

Call me a nerd, call me a dweeb, call me what you will but I think this is AWESOME. A guy is recreating downtown Indianapolis in the popular game Minecraft and is doing a damn good job of doing so! For those who don’t know Minecraft is the equivalent of digital legos where you can…MORE

The Click: Top 5 Stories of 10/29 AM

The Click: Top 5 Stories of 10/29 AM

The co-creator of “Yo! MTV Raps!” has passed away. CLICK NeNe is RETURNING to Real Housewives of Atlanta! CLICK Throwback Thursday: How many “Babysitters Club” books have YOU read?! CLICK Drake, who?! Serena Williams is dating again! CLICK This is the SCARIEST Halloween candy taste test! Watch the video here! CLICKMORE

The Click: Top 5 Stories of 10/28 PM

The Click: Top 5 Stories of 10/28 PM

The Whip and Nae Nae: Special Halloween addition: According to cosmo, wearing this one SMALL item can ruin your entire outfit! CLICK The most popular candy to eat on Halloween is Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups! What’s the most hated? CLICK How comfortable are you with being touched? Oxford University did a study on just that,…MORE

Video: Grandma Mistakes Alcohol For Drugs And Freaks Out

Video: Grandma Mistakes Alcohol For Drugs And Freaks Out

Being old is tough. Every day something new comes along, and you’re forced to adapt in an age well beyond your phase of giving a damn! This grandmother is up on it, however. She thinks her grandson can do drugs under her roof?! No way, not even once. Problem is, grandma thinks her grandson is…MORE