The Click: Top 5 Stories of 11/5 PM

The Click: Top 5 Stories of 11/5 PM

There’s a Huffington Post writer who said he’s not doing it anymore because he wasn’t getting paid for it! CLICK Next, onto a Huffington Post article talking about making the choice to love your significant other no matter what! What’s this all about? CLICK If your as big of a fan of H&M as I…MORE

New FBI Documents Allege RZA And Raekwon Tried To Order Murders In The 90’s

New FBI Documents Allege RZA And Raekwon Tried To Order Murders In The 90’s

“Wu-Tang clan ain’t nothin to mess with” has never been so true. According to recently obtained documents in which the FBI investigated members of the Wu Tang Clan, Nah Right has found something crazy! While the initial reports seemed like mostly fluff trying to make a case where there was none, this latest document accuses…MORE

The Click: Top 5 Stories of 11/5 AM

The Click: Top 5 Stories of 11/5 AM

Here Comes Honey Boo Boo…AGAIN! CLICK These 19 people prove why glasses are waaay cooler than contacts! CLICK “I’ve got one hand in my pocket, and the other one is….on my beak?” CLICK Teenagers are TERRORIZING the “Breaking Bad” house! o_O CLICK Why isn’t #NationalCandyDay EVERYDAY?! CLICKMORE

What Are You Really Wanting Out Of Your/A Partner?!

What Are You Really Wanting Out Of Your/A Partner?!

I’ve always been told, “when the right person comes around, you’ll know”. Is that really the truth, or is that some fairy tale people believe to make themselves feel better about not yet finding the “one”? I go back and forth all the time. I meet someone, after a couple of dates I feel like…MORE

The Click: Top 5 Stories of 11/4 PM

The Click: Top 5 Stories of 11/4 PM

With the VS Fashion Show a little over a month away, tons of returning models are announcing their spots on the runway December 8th. This year, that also includes Kendall Jenner! CLICK After an intense week of anticipation, ‘Empire’ is finally making it’s return on Fox 59 tonight! Will Hakeem be returned safely? Will Cookie…MORE

Tensions High In New Clip For Tonight’s Empire

Tensions High In New Clip For Tonight’s Empire

Last week we didn’t have Empire so you might have forgotten how crazy things were in the week between! For those that don’t remember, Hakeem was snatched up off the streets by some gang members and whisked away with a hood over his head! This clip gives a little more insight into tonight’s episode. Check…MORE

WTF?! Oprah Under Fire For Using Wrinkle Cream With Human Foreskin…

WTF?! Oprah Under Fire For Using Wrinkle Cream With Human Foreskin…

Dude I’m gonna be sick! Oprah is for real using a wrinkle cream that contains human foreskin according to Vancouver news! For those that don’t know what that is…it’s the skin that gets removed from genitalia after a male is circumcised! WTF are you doing Oprah?! Anyway some groups are protesting this (not enough in…MORE

The Click: Top 5 Stories of 11/4 AM

The Click: Top 5 Stories of 11/4 AM

The truth about Bobbi Kristina Brown’s hospice nurse… CLICK I’m So Excited!: You’ll never guess how long it’s been since the “Jessie’s Song” episode of “Saved By The Bell” originally aired! CLICK Wait…is my burrito diseased?! CLICK NOTHING is secret about this year’s Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show! YIKES! CLICK 33 UNFORGETTABLE love songs from the…MORE

The Click: Top 5 Stories of 11/3 PM

The Click: Top 5 Stories of 11/3 PM

Ever considered your Zodiac sign when trying to come up with the perfect date night? Maybe you should! Here are the perfect date nights according to every sign. CLICK Oh just what a couple of throwback artists, Jay-Z and Kanye  require in their hotel rooms! TMZ got a hold of their hotel Riders when they’re…MORE