Facebook Trying To Ease Your Break-ups In The Future

Facebook Trying To Ease Your Break-ups In The Future

It’s the solution to an exclusively 21st century problem. You and your fling don’t work out after five years. The stuff is out of your place, the numbers been blocked…but now you have hundreds of photos and statuses you now have to get rid of. BBC says Facebook is looking to end your first world…MORE

Texas Man Arrested For Assault After Girlfriend Wouldn’t Smell His Armpit

Texas Man Arrested For Assault After Girlfriend Wouldn’t Smell His Armpit

This is so stupid…then again aren’t all domestic violence issues? News stations in Texas are all talking about Robinson Pinilla-Bolivar after he attacked his girlfriend for not smelling his arm pit. According to his girlfriend, Bolivar asked her to smell his arm pit and when she refused hit her in the back of the head…MORE

It’s On: Robots Can Now Wield Knives

It’s On: Robots Can Now Wield Knives

Alright…who would make this?! Who needs a robot that when you turn it on wildly swings a knife?! Science has gotten too real, I can’t deal with it.MORE

The Click: Top Stories Of 11/19

The Click: Top Stories Of 11/19

  For the latest on former Subway spokesman, Jared Fogle, CLICK   Introducing Tsu (pronounced Sue) – the latest social media platform that lets you earn money and thinks they’ll eventually take out Facebook. Even Facebook may be feeling a little threatened because they won’t let anyone talk about it. CLICK How about a new…MORE

Doctors Are Teaching Pigeons To Diagnose Breast Cancer?!

Doctors Are Teaching Pigeons To Diagnose Breast Cancer?!

Either this is the craziest headline of 2015, or New Scientist is playing a prank on everyone. Supposedly the University of California is showing pigeons microscopic images of breast cancer and regular breast tissue and rewarding them when they pick the correct image! The crazy thing is…these pigeons are having an 85% success rate in…MORE

Video: Paul George Breaks Ankles With A Sick Crossover

Video: Paul George Breaks Ankles With A Sick Crossover

Paul George is living up to the new “PG-13” persona by just devastating his opponents. He’s on a hot streak with high scoring games and breaking ankles with his skills on offense. No further evidence is needed than this absolutely insane crossover he pulled at Philadelphia. Sure he missed the shot, but he made up…MORE

Shia LaBeouf Is Offering Refunds To People Who Hated His Movies

Shia LaBeouf Is Offering Refunds To People Who Hated His Movies

For those unaware, Shia LaBeouf hadn’t seen his movies he starred in until recently. After a 72 hour film marathon in an NYC theater open to the public, Shia watched his films alongside others. Now a couple of weeks removed from the incident Shia is offering refunds for his films he believed “sucked”. Labeouf told…MORE

ICYMI: Khloe Kardashian Canceled Her Book Tour Because…

ICYMI: Khloe Kardashian Canceled Her Book Tour Because…

Damn you, Lamar! Khloe Kardashian caught a staff infection while tending to Lamar Odom in the hospital. Sources say she’s really sick: chills, fever, freakishly large legion on her leg, the whole nine. Doctors ordered her to cancel part of her book tour because of it. Check it out here!MORE

See Some Footage Of John Malkovich’s Movie Coming Out In 2115

See Some Footage Of John Malkovich’s Movie Coming Out In 2115

Robert Rodriguez and John Malkovich are teaming up for one of the most bizarre movie events of our time. They made a film…that won’t be released for 100 years. While you’ll never live to see the film, there is some footage you can see online below. Apparently this whole idea is for promotion for a…MORE