Where To Find Santa In Indy This Christmas!

Where To Find Santa In Indy This Christmas!

It’s Kris Kringle’s busiest month of the year, and he’s putting in overtime to appear to the kids of Indianapolis! The following locations will be featuring Santa Claus November 29th and on in and around Indianapolis. Click the titles of each location for more details. Malls: Castleton Square Mall Greenwood Park Mall Fashion Mall At…MORE

The Click: Top Stories Of 11/25

The Click: Top Stories Of 11/25

All the YouTube tutorials you need so you’re not the one to blame if the Thanksgiving meal gets screwed up! CLICK The reason why David Bowie’s producer says Bowie is inspired by future throwback artist, Kendrick Lamar. CLICK Almost half of people say they have MORE to be thankful for this Thanksgiving than years past.…MORE

Turkeys Are Ridiculously Bigger Than They Used To Be!

Turkeys Are Ridiculously Bigger Than They Used To Be!

Here’s a fun Thanksgiving fact to talk about this year at the table. Today’s turkeys are around 30 pounds heavier on average now than they were in the 1960s. The species as a whole has been a product of selective breeding in America to the point that they are now physiologically different than their ancestors.…MORE

WHAT?!: Taco Bell Offering “Valet Service” In California

WHAT?!: Taco Bell Offering “Valet Service” In California

Let it be known here and now until the end of the road that for as long as you live the words Taco Bell and classy will never be used in the same sentence until now. UPI reports a California location is allowing it’s customers to “live the VIP experience” and let attendants park their…MORE

Wow: Man Locked Up Since Early 70’s Experiences Blown Away By Changed World

Wow: Man Locked Up Since Early 70’s Experiences Blown Away By Changed World

Otis Johnson went to jail in 1971 at the age of 25. Now at 70 years old he’s out and the world is much different. Think of all the things that have changed since the 70s! Televisions, cell phones, computers, tablets, GPS…and so much more has changed. In the video below, See the world through…MORE

Michael Jackson Wanted A 50 Foot Robot In The Desert For His 2007 Comeback

Michael Jackson Wanted A 50 Foot Robot In The Desert For His 2007 Comeback

What you are about to read is absolutely insane, yet so awesome at the same time. The Guardian reports that the King of Pop had big plans for his 2007 comeback tour. That includes a 50 foot walking robot that walked through the Las Vegas desert and shot LASERS FROM IT’S EYES. No joke, this…MORE

The Click: Top Stories For 11/24

The Click: Top Stories For 11/24

Charlie Sheen sex tapes have been exposed. CLICK The real reason why Will Smith said he turned down his role in the movie “Django Unchained”. CLICK No, we’re not talking about the infamous Patti Pie but the reason why Patti LaBelle wants to work with Fetty Wap in an “age-appropriate” way. CLICK Be nice to…MORE

Retail Workers!  Call The Retail Vent Line!

Retail Workers! Call The Retail Vent Line!

The holidays can be tough — especially for those who work in retail… and you can’t vent to your customers, because well.. you’ll get fired… so- we’re going to let you vent anonymously… With JC In The Morning’s Retail Vent Line.  Call 317-558-7250.  We’ll even disguise your voice on the air!MORE

1993 AT&T Commercial Accurately Predicts The Future!

1993 AT&T Commercial Accurately Predicts The Future!

This 1993 AT&T commercial is trending because it predicts the future in telling us about the world we will live in very soon. While it’s right…it’s likely because AT&T already made this software and was just waiting for it to be cheap enough to sell to the public. Like they could show a driverless car…MORE