The Click: Top Stories For 12/21

The Click: Top Stories For 12/21

It’s the mishap that has everyone talking, along with the memes flying online. How the internet has reacted to Steve Harvey’s Miss Universe mishap. CLICK Mark Wahlberg and Dwayne Johnson sued for allegedly stealing key elements for ‘Ballers’. CLICK Why ‘Mean Girls’ writer, Tina Fey says she was that “mean girl” in high school. CLICK…MORE

Video: Would You Try These Norwegian Christmas Foods?

From the looks of this video, there’s something fishy about Christmas in Norway. Seriously all these Christmas traditional dishes are all based on fish! These members of the U.S. Embassy to Norway don’t look all too excited to eat them. While I can’t say I’ve tried any of them, I can’t say I’d be excited…MORE


We’re teaming up with the Creative Carter Group to bring another one of your favorite throwback artists to INDY.. This time.. BONE THUGS N HARMONY is coming back to The Vogue in February! Last time they were here – they SOLD OUT.. so, don’t miss your chance to get tickets! Tickets are on sale now…MORE

The Click: Top Stories For 12/18

The Click: Top Stories For 12/18

It’s Not Going To Happen! Will Smith was just joking when he said he was going to run for President in 2016. CLICK Chris Brown has gone on a Twitter rant against the U.S. Judicial System and his new album dropped today. CLICK Steve Carell reveals the reason why ‘The 40 Year Old Virgin’ almost DIDN’T…MORE

GROSS: Indiana Couple Arrested After Being Caught Having Sex In Bank Office

GROSS: Indiana Couple Arrested After Being Caught Having Sex In Bank Office

WHY DO YOU HAVE TO BE SO NASTY INDIANA! Evansville Courier and Press reports the couple pictured above was arrested after being caught having sex…IN A BANK. Police described it as a “drug fueled sex romp in the bank’s conference room”, which is an absolutely nasty way to break it down. They couldn’t even go…MORE

WHAT?!: Woman Goes Absolutely Buck Wild During City Council Meeting

WHAT?!: Woman Goes Absolutely Buck Wild During City Council Meeting

You ever wonder if there’s a downside to being a public servant? This video highlights every little bit of it. Start the video at about 24:56 and you’re going to hear one of the most insane ramblings you’ve ever heard. The crazy part is how coherent she remains throughout the whole thing! She’s on a…MORE

#ICYMI: #FreeTeresa, Kristmastime is Here, & TV & Chill!

#ICYMI: #FreeTeresa, Kristmastime is Here, & TV & Chill!

Teresa Giudice of “Real Housewives of New Jersey” is being released from prison soon! Sources say she’s super eager to celebrate Christmas with her family and start working with Bravo again…but she doesn’t want to be on house arrest. We’ll see how she gets out of this one. I mean, really. Who gets to start…MORE