Looks LIke Lumosity Doesn’t Make You Smart After All…

Looks LIke Lumosity Doesn’t Make You Smart After All…

Hopefully not too many people would be surprised by this news…but an app where you play games is not proven to make you smarter. Lumosity told you this, and now Fox 59 says they’re now paying the price. The company is being sued 2 million dollars for “deceptive advertising”. The 2 million dollar segment was…MORE

Whaaa?!: Jay Z Is Wanting To Manage One Direction’s Harry Styles

Whaaa?!: Jay Z Is Wanting To Manage One Direction’s Harry Styles

  If Jay-Z knows one thing, it’s how to make money. According to XXL Mag the rapper has set his latest money making sights on Harry Styles of One Direction. Jay is hoping to transform the already well known One Direction singer into a full blown solo star. Jay says if Harry ditches 1D, he…MORE

The Click: Top Stories For 01/05

The Click: Top Stories For 01/05

Ready for huge Blockbusters in 2016? A list of the most anticipated movies over the year. CLICK Ciara’s ex, Future, has some choice words for her on social media. CLICK Today’s most common first-world problems include things like: getting a runny nose / getting a call from an unknown number and not knowing whether to…MORE

Video: Woman Catches Cashier Trying To Steal Her Identity

Video: Woman Catches Cashier Trying To Steal Her Identity

How often does this get to happen?! A woman notices her credit card is being stolen from and is able to confront the exact person who did it! Kind of harsh in the tone of the video, but at the same time the thief got what she deserved!MORE

This Family Has A Pet Hippo That Lives IN THEIR HOUSE!

This Family Has A Pet Hippo That Lives IN THEIR HOUSE!

Living in a place like South Africa would be a trip. For starters, it would be crazy to see all the animals you see locked up in a zoo out in the wild like it’s no big deal…or even stranger living in someone’s house! This family adopted a little hippo who was found outside their…MORE

Watch Kanye West’s American Idol Audition!

Watch Kanye West’s American Idol Audition!

We’ve been hearing for months about Kanye West’s American Idol audition and it looks like we are finally going to get a peek thanks to Entertainment Weekly! No surprise Kanye did not actually sing…at all. He rapped “Gold Digger” and was awarded a ticket to Hollywood. Frankly I’m glad we didn’t hear Yeezy sing because…MORE

YES: Hypnos Creates Hoodies With Inflatable Pillows!

YES: Hypnos Creates Hoodies With Inflatable Pillows!

Hoodies have been the lazy person’s fashion statement since their birth. They already were the most comfortable thing in the world, and now Hypnos has made them better with inflatable pillows! Perfect for long drives, or that midday public nap. Check out the commercial below and support them on Kickstarter to get yours!MORE

The Click: Top Stories For 01/04

The Click: Top Stories For 01/04

The reason why Will Smith opted out of the ‘Independence Day’ sequel and how it was handled. Yes, this is a SPOILER ALERT! CLICK Anne Hathaway has a cute baby bump. See the pic she shared in her bikini! CLICK Head Coach of the Colts Chuck Pagano is still unsure of his fate with the…MORE