Woman Gives Hilarious Play By Play Of Apartment Fire

Woman Gives Hilarious Play By Play Of Apartment Fire

People are cracking up after this woman’s television interview has gone viral on the web. It falls within the category of “hide yo kids, hide ya wife” and “ain’t nobody got time for that”…although I think “the roof is on fireeeeee” has already come and gone in terms of popularity.MORE

The Click: Top Stories For 01/08

The Click: Top Stories For 01/08

Michael Jackson’s 1979 ‘Off The Wall’ Album is set to be re-issued on February 26th! CLICK Why we complain more when it’s HOT weather verses when it’s cold. CLICK It’s the largest Powerball jackpot in history!! Here’s what you need to know. CLICK The average health kick only lasts three weeks and four days, which means…MORE

Win Tickets to Naptown Flashback with DJ BIZ MARKIE

Win Tickets to Naptown Flashback with DJ BIZ MARKIE

All Weekend… Listen to 93.9 The Beat for your chance to win tickets to Naptown Flashback The 80’s VS 90’s with BIZ MARKIE!   Here’s the hours to be listening to win: SATURDAY: 10AM 11AM NOON 1PM 2PM 3PM 5PM 6PM 7PM 8PM 9PM   SUNDAY: 3PM 5PM 7PM  MORE

#ICYMI: Superbowl Buzz, A Presidential Netflix & Chill, & Hollywood Wedding Bells!

#ICYMI: Superbowl Buzz, A Presidential Netflix & Chill, & Hollywood Wedding Bells!

It’s official, guys. The Beyhive is taking over the Superbowl AGAIN! News leaked yesterday that Beyonce will be joining Coldplay during this year’s Superbowl halftime show. We learned late last year that Bruno Mars is a part of the halftime spectacle…but there’s also a mystery guest. Who is it?! The petition to get “How to…MORE

The Click: Top Stories For 01/07

The Click: Top Stories For 01/07

It’ll either make us feel old or it’s a trip down memory lane! Either way, here’s a list of everything turning ten years old this year. CLICK A list of what celebrities’ personal assistants (air quotes) allegedly told the tabloids. CLICK  Brandy has released a new song and we have the audio! CLICK What the…MORE

Alabama SWAT Confuses Bombs For Bag Of Hot Dogs

Alabama SWAT Confuses Bombs For Bag Of Hot Dogs

I went ahead and put the state in the title so we could all collectively sigh in relief that this did NOT happen in Indiana. The Alabama bomb squad was called to a post office in Florence after a suspicious package was found on the premises. SWAT moved in, AND USED A ROBOT to unveil…MORE

The Click: Top Stories For 01/06

The Click: Top Stories For 01/06

Let me start this with YOU’RE BEAUTIFUL NO MATTER WHAT! This new survey found the average woman criticizes herself eight times each day. CLICK People now think Steve Harvey’s Miss Universe mishap was a publicity stunt. CLICK Fingers crossed that Janet Jackson doesn’t have throat cancer! CLICK What you need to know about tonight’s $500…MORE