Martin Sheen Is Very Proud Of His Son, Charlie

Martin Sheen Is Very Proud Of His Son, Charlie

Photo Credit: E News Charlie Sheen’s father has spoken out by saying his son, Charlie Sheen, reminds him of Robert F. Kennedy. It’s clear that Martin Sheen thinks his son is very courageous. In a TMZ report, he said he would never have the courage to do what Charlie did in the “Today” studio with…MORE

A Baby Name For Kim And Kanye?!

A Baby Name For Kim And Kanye?!

Photo Credit: People Magazine With only nearly a month to go in what Kim Kardashian-West calls a ‘miserable’ pregnancy, the two still have no idea what they’re going to name their little one! “I don’t have names, which is so crazy. We just started talking about it and that was the last thing for us…MORE

Leaving Netflix in December of 2015

Leaving Netflix in December of 2015

This is just a preliminary list of titles that are expected to depart Netflix next month: Leaving Netflix in December 1 Angelo Rules 3D (2009) Big and Small (2008) In Need of Romance (2011) Monster Math Squad (2012) Plankton Invasion 3D (2012) Pope Pius XII (2010) Rastamouse (2011) Shut Up & Let’s Go (2012) The…MORE

Multiple Sex Partners Are Expected To Sue Charlie Sheen

Multiple Sex Partners Are Expected To Sue Charlie Sheen

Photo Credit: People Magazine After his announcement of being HIV positive this morning on the ‘Today Show’, six sex partners are expected to sue Charlie Sheen with more on the way. TMZ is reporting at least six women have obtained a lawyer after receiving the official news this morning. The accusations they’re expected to bring…MORE

Kim Kardashian-West: High Risk Pregnancy

Kim Kardashian-West: High Risk Pregnancy

Photo Credit: People Magazine Kim Kardashian-West is nervous about a high-risk pregnancy with her second child. Kardashian-West wrong on her website just how nervous she is and the possibility of having a hysterectomy come delivery time this December. “I have been very open and honest about my pregnancy struggles. This pregnancy, I’m definitely scared for my…MORE

R. Kelly’s Response When Asked: Are You In To Underage Women?

R. Kelly’s Response When Asked: Are You In To Underage Women?

Photo Credit: BET In a recent interview with New York Magazine, someone asked R. Kelly if he was attracted underage women. His initial response was, “That’s a rumor that comes from the Earth, like all rumors . . .” He goes on to say: “No.  It’s not true.  I love women, period.  If I wasn’t a…MORE

Charlie Sheen: Sources Revealing He’s HIV Positive

Charlie Sheen: Sources Revealing He’s HIV Positive

Photo Credit: People Magazine Radar Online is saying, “The National ENQUIRER is revealing Hollywood’s most shocking secret”. They are in fact revealing Charlie Sheen is HIV positive in a crazy exclusive / revelation. “Charlie thought he was indestructible and took no precautions — even though he was indulging in high-risk sex practices,” a close friend…MORE

12 Baby Names That Should be Illegal

12 Baby Names That Should be Illegal

Cannon, Nutella, and twins named WINNER and LOSER?!  What the heck?!?!?!  Check out this list -> 12 Baby Names That Should be IllegalMORE