Timbaland Announces New Mixtape Featuring Unreleased Aaliyah

Timbaland Announces New Mixtape Featuring Unreleased Aaliyah

Timbaland is giving all of us a free present this year! Pigeonsandplanes says the famous producer has announced a free mixtape being released online Christmas Day! In addition to several current artists, Tim says he has unreleased Aaliyah that will be on there as well. I don’t think I could be anymore excited for Christmas…MORE

N.W.A To Be Inducted Into Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame

N.W.A To Be Inducted Into Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame

After their 4th nomination, it looks like N.W.A will officially be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Rolling Stone reports the rap group was among the list of artists to be added this February. The entire group was excited to be added, but Dr. Dre by far the most touched… “When we…MORE

Yikes: Purdue Study Warns Wabash River Is Running Out Of Water

Yikes: Purdue Study Warns Wabash River Is Running Out Of Water

Well this is unsettling and possibly history changing for Indiana. Purdue says a new study reveals that people are using too much water from the Wabash River, and it’s beginning to dry up. Through their findings over the course of several years of data students are finding the Wabash water levels are getting consecutively lower…MORE

This Christmas Indiana Will Sell Beer For First Time Since Prohibition!

This Christmas Indiana Will Sell Beer For First Time Since Prohibition!

Hoosiers…this is kind of a big deal! Fox 59 has said the Indiana Alcohol and Tobacco commission has announced that you will be able to purchase beer on Christmas. That means for the first time since 1919 Indiana will be able to purchase a drink on a major holiday. While this may be a “whatever”…MORE

Practical Or Preachy? Are These Really The Best Gifts For People?

Practical Or Preachy? Are These Really The Best Gifts For People?

So Buzzfeed did a post called “Practical Things You Should Get Someone For The Holidays” and while some weren’t bad…we got a couple you should definitely AVOID! Subscription Box: It may seem ingenious at first, but be wary of buying a subscription box for any hobbyist. First off many are not truly worth the value…MORE

Don’t Miss The Deadline! Get Your Mail To The Post Office Before These Days!

Don’t Miss The Deadline! Get Your Mail To The Post Office Before These Days!

The holiday season is busy. It’s not just the malls in stores that are packed to the ceiling with shoppers however, mail rooms are getting slammed with holiday package after holiday package that needs to be delivered on time! For those slacking (you because we know why you clicked) don’t worry, you still have a…MORE