What Some (I Mean, MOST) People Would Do To Get Rid Of Their Student Loans

What Some (I Mean, MOST) People Would Do To Get Rid Of Their Student Loans

Aren’t student loans just the WORST?! For the few people who can afford to pay them, it’s never enough; those annoying calls NEVER stop; you pay on them every month and the ‘total amount due’ never seems to decrease; and the list goes on! This is why people would consider going to the extremes when…MORE

VIDEO: LL Cool J Finds Out A Shocking Family Revelation

VIDEO: LL Cool J Finds Out A Shocking Family Revelation

LL Cool J appeared on the TV show, ‘Finding Your Roots’ where he finds out his grandmother isn’t his actual biological grandmother. On the show, LL reveals how his mother had suspected her mother might not be her actual ‘mother’ (but still the person who raised her). These types of stories always fascinate me. I…MORE

Ohh.. A Secret Menu At Taco Bell!

Ohh.. A Secret Menu At Taco Bell!

We’ve all seen the Starbucks “Secret Menu” and even the McDonald’s “Secret Menu” – now.. my personal favorite… The SECRET MENU AT TACO BELL! YESSSS!!     Taco Bell Secret Menu ItemsMORE

Happy Birthday, Michael Jordan!

Happy Birthday, Michael Jordan!

Happy 53rd Birthday to the G.O.A.T.; the 6-time champ; the man of my kindergarten dreams – Michael Jordan! Here are a few of my favorite MJ moments:  MORE

Whatever You Do, Don’t Ignore Facebook’s Privacy Notification

Whatever You Do, Don’t Ignore Facebook’s Privacy Notification

Facebook is rolling out a notification to smartphone users that you shouldn’t miss. If you use the company’s official app, you may soon receive a reminder to do a “Privacy Checkup.” Opt into the checkup and you’ll go through a simple, three-step process that will help you understand how you’re sharing information on the social…MORE

Why is Matt Damon selling potatoes?

Why is Matt Damon selling potatoes?

We’ll have to wait until Feb. 28 to find out if Matt Damon wins the Academy Award for best actor in “The Martian” or the film itself wins for best picture, but until then we can give a creative marketing award to those who sell potatoes. Albert Bartlett Potatoes is using the film with its…MORE

New Music From Mya!

New Music From Mya!

Did you realize she was working on new music? If not, then SUPRISE!! Mya relased an album on Valentine’s Day titled ‘Smoove Jones’ where she is imitating a radio personality hosting a fictional show called ‘Smoove Jones’ throughout it’s entirety. Here’s a little sample: The entire album is available on iTunes now for $10.MORE

It’ll Cost ‘DWTS’ To Get Scott Disick To Shake It

It’ll Cost ‘DWTS’ To Get Scott Disick To Shake It

Apparently Scott Disick is considering joining the cast for the next season of ‘Dancing With The Stars’ but it comes with a pretty heft price tag. By that, I mean it’ll cost ‘DWTS’ about $500k to get the reality TV star. According to TMZ: Scott got the invite for the 22nd season. He’s been asked…MORE