Amber Rose Schools Tyrese & Rev Run on Sexual Consent

Amber Rose Schools Tyrese & Rev Run on Sexual Consent

You can call Amber Rose a lot of things, but you certainly can’t call her uniformed in the topic of social constructs and rape culture. She was on this weekend’s episode of “It’s Not You, It’s Men” – a talk show hosted by Tyrese and Rev Run on Oprah’s OWN Network. As the organizer of a…MORE

Cars that get the most tickets, did yours make the list?

Cars that get the most tickets, did yours make the list?

What is up with Nissan 350Z drivers? A Nissan 350Z.   (AP Photo/Terry Gilliam) What car should you buy if you’re hoping to avoid tickets? Apparently not the Nissan 350Z. OK, to be fair, it’s probably not the car’s fault—but people who buy that car are more prone to traffic violations, a new survey from…MORE

BEYONCE: Top Ten Songs

BEYONCE: Top Ten Songs

Rolling Stone took a poll of the top ten Beyonce songs of all time! Soooo, let’s go through the list and see if you agree, shall we?! 10. “Baby Boy” 9. “Partition” 8. “XO” 7. “Sweet Dreams” 6. “Irreplaceable” 5. “If I Were a Boy” 4. “Single Ladies (Put a Ring on It) 3. “Halo” 2.…MORE

The Reason Behind MC Hammer’s Name

The Reason Behind MC Hammer’s Name

Apparently MC Hammer was named after the baseball legend, Hank Aaron. Hammer made an appearance on ‘Top Chef’ where he explained where the alias came from: “When I was a little kid I worked for the Oakland A’s. Reggie Jackson said I looked a lot like the ‘Hammer,’ Hank Aaron, the home run king.  And he…MORE

#TBT: “Wouldn’t Get Far” – The Game feat. Kanye West (2007)

#TBT: “Wouldn’t Get Far” – The Game feat. Kanye West (2007)

The Game wants to help fund “poor” little Kanye West’s creative projects (*rolls eyes*), so let me help you reminisce back to the distant past (…you know, 2007) when “Wouldn’t Get Far” by this dynamic duo was released. My, how things have changed! Both of these guys spend the entirety of this song calling out women…MORE

What Some (I Mean, MOST) People Would Do To Get Rid Of Their Student Loans

What Some (I Mean, MOST) People Would Do To Get Rid Of Their Student Loans

Aren’t student loans just the WORST?! For the few people who can afford to pay them, it’s never enough; those annoying calls NEVER stop; you pay on them every month and the ‘total amount due’ never seems to decrease; and the list goes on! This is why people would consider going to the extremes when…MORE