What Some (I Mean, MOST) People Would Do To Get Rid Of Their Student Loans

student loan

Aren’t student loans just the WORST?! For the few people who can afford to pay them, it’s never enough; those annoying calls NEVER stop; you pay on them every month and the ‘total amount due’ never seems to decrease; and the list goes on! This is why people would consider going to the extremes when it comes to their student loans.

A new survey found the crazy things people would do in order to get rid of their student loans:

1.  57% would take a punch from MIKE TYSON.

2.  40% would shave a year off their life.

3.  21% would wear the same outfit every day for the rest of their life.

4.  7% would cut off their pinky finger.

5.  5% would move to Syria.

6.  And 4% would contract a random STD for life.

Now think about it… would you go to any of these EXTREMES to get rid of your student loans?! LOL, check out the full story here.

Also, in other news: watch this story that unfolded in Houston, TX where seven US Marshalls surrounded a guy’s house and arrested him over an unpaid student loan of $1500: