Coconut Oil is Overrated.


I know the naturalistas are rolling their eyes and sucking their teeth at me, but here goes nothing.

I’ve had a very deep love affair with coconut oil for about two months now. (Keep in mind I had no idea white people had the ability to get ashy! Just ask JC and Zakk!) I mean, everyone and their mom were ranting and raving about how multi-purpose coconut oil is. So I went out on a limb and tried it.

I picked some up from Trader Joe’s, and it was great. It smelled good. It wasn’t oily as baby oil, and it kept me moisturized all day. I have Sahara Desert skin, so I thought I was winning…but recently I noticed a reverse effect. It started to dry my skin out! I found myself scratching throughout the day, and when I’d change into my PJs, my legs would look like I literally crawled around in flour!

So I did a little googling, and it turns out coconut oil can dry your skin out. So I guess it’s back to “the butters” for me. Another moisturizer bites the dust!

What do you suggest I use? Meanwhile, get into this video about “the butters.” Hilarious!