It’s like the go-to option for dating in today’s day-and-age. Whether it be a dating app like Tindr, a dating website like, or another form of social media like Facebook; online and dating pretty much go hand-in-hand. I’ve been there and it can be both exciting and stressful at the same time. If you’ve given it a try, you know what I mean!
What you may not know is this is the biggest time of year for online dating.A new study is saying, be patient! Especially if you’ve been going at it for a while. Here are some stats this study came up with:
1. You have to talk to 16 people before you find a relationship.
2. You’ll go on dates with an average of four or five people before you find a good one.
3. It takes an average of three days and 25 messages before people exchange phone numbers.
4. And you SHOULD be able to bang all of that out and find a relationship in about two months.
Finally, a nice tip that came out of this study, wear a bright color in your main profile pic if you’re looking to stand out! Apparently 72% of men and 56% of women wear a neutral color (black, gray or white).