T.I. Sued By A Jewelry Company


We all know T.I. likes his bling, but does he like it a little too much? So much that he’s buying it when he can’t afford it?

According to TMZ, T.I. made some purchases, paid some money up front, but has failed to pay the remaining total he owes to the company. Is this because he can’t afford it, did he just forget or is the whole thing made up?

From TMZ: 

T.I. may have to start mining for some gold of his own because at least one jewelry store is done with him, claiming he walked off with a ton of their bling and never anted up.

Aydin & Co in Georgia says in a new lawsuit it delivered an 18.5 karat white gold bracelet, a ring and yellow gold rosary to the rapper in 2014 and Tip paid $20k. Problem is … he still owes $44k.

That’s just the tip of the iceberg. According to the lawsuit, during the decade T.I. was one of its shoppers, he stiffed them out of more than $400k.

All tolled, Aydin’s gunning for T.I. to the tune of $700k. 

T.I. says the lawsuit is BS.