While we may want a long life and happiness we don’t necessarily need both to outlast our peers. The Wichita Times says that while our mood may not affect our life, our actions obviously do, and that positive lifestyle actions lead to a happier life.
The study comes from a group of scientists who surveyed around 700k people in Australia .They had them mark their general quality of life when the study started, and then re surveyed the group ten years later. While 4% of those surveyed had died, the remaining said they found themselves usually happy for the majority and 19% found themselves unhappy. According to the data, 29% of the women who died said they were currently unhappy ten years ago BUT the number between those who were happy were exactly the same with the causes of death similar between both parties.
So is it a cut and dry case? I don’t think so. While I don’t think your mood keeps you alive, I do think it plays a role in your health so I am a little torn. What do you think?