Man talk about news that was here today and gone tomorrow. Charlie Sheen announced he had HIV and I swear it was news all of like five seconds before fading into nothingness. Finally an update comes in the form of E! News. Last we heard Charlie’s ex fiance Brett Rossi who claimed Charlie never disclosed that he had HIV when the two were together. Charlie has now said not only is this not true, but that Rossi wished to have unprotected sex with him anyway!
She “claimed she was a nurse and was seeing doctors who provided her with anti-HIV medication,” his lawyer wrote. She “insisted she be prescribed the same medications that Sheen was taking so they could engage in unprotected sex without the risk of Sheen transmitting HIV to her.”
Well while it’s still a case of he said she said at this point, it’s good to know Charlie is sticking to his guns on this one!