I’ve always been told, “when the right person comes around, you’ll know”. Is that really the truth, or is that some fairy tale people believe to make themselves feel better about not yet finding the “one”? I go back and forth all the time. I meet someone, after a couple of dates I feel like I’m super into them and something goes awry. Either they become too clingy, I become too clingy or vice versa and one or the other doesn’t put enough into it. Something about finding the “one” or happiness in your current relationship seems to be such a challenge for many of you and definitely myself. I think the question we should be asking is “what do I really want in an intimate relationship”?
Interesting read from YAHOO:
I came across an article on Yahoo that says, “What we think we want in a relationship and what we actually want can be two different things.” This is interesting because considering “the right person”, means meeting your needs but have you really sat down to think about what those needs are? Truth is, I haven’t!! FAIL
One aspect (which is a summary of a study conducted at the University at Buffalo) says, men actually want their potential mate to be smarter than they are… But that comes with a catch! Out of 650 men surveyed, the general answer was they want that person to be smarter but only in a long-distance situation. HUH?!
The article goes on to say, “Past research has shown that people say they prefer partners that are more skilled than they are, lead study author Lora Park, PhD, an associate professor at University at Buffalo, tells Yahoo Health. Because of that, she says, it makes sense that people would want a partner who is more intelligent than they are.” (Now my brain hurts!)
For women, the study reports, “Women will say they don’t care about a man’s job security and just want someone who is kind and respectful, but, when push comes to shove, they care about a man’s job status — from an evolutionary standpoint, women want to make sure that a man can be a provider. It makes them feel secure.”
Not sure this helps you narrow down what you’re really wanting out of your partner but at least it can get the ball rolling. For more on this, click here!
For now, good luck and cheers to happiness in your search for “the one”, your current relationship or your single life (if that’s where you’re at right now)!