WTF?! Oprah Under Fire For Using Wrinkle Cream With Human Foreskin…


Dude I’m gonna be sick! Oprah is for real using a wrinkle cream that contains human foreskin according to Vancouver news! For those that don’t know what that is…it’s the skin that gets removed from genitalia after a male is circumcised! WTF are you doing Oprah?! Anyway some groups are protesting this (not enough in my opinion) action with over a dozen people picketing the action. These people represent the advocacy groups that believe American males should have a choice to decide whether to undergo circumcision or not.

I’m comfortable with the decision made for me, but I am not okay with Oprah OR ANYBODY putting it on their face! For those curious to what the product in question is it’s called SkinMedica. The company has admitted they use cells obtained through the use of removed human foreskins in their creams.

That’s gross yo.