I’m going to warn you before reading this right now, writing this post messed me up. I read about some of the most bizarre, sickening, and scary things to happen in Indianapolis in the past couple years. Yes some are silly…but some are all too real and WILL keep you up at night. Read if you must, these are some TRUE local stories that will frighten you.
1. Many Experts Believe Indianapolis Has An Active Serial Killer
If you really want to keep yourself up at night check out this video by RTV6 from March. Many forensic experts in the area believe that our city, for the better part of this year and last, has an active serial killer. The speculation began when women around the same age and profession (prostitute) began disappearing around town. Pretty soon some of these women were showing up again dead…in the same spot months apart. No information has been revealed on who the killer may be and what their motive could be, but it’s been well known that if they do exist, they are in Indianapolis.
IMPD even backs up that this is something that very well could be true.
2. There Is A Secret Vampire Bar In Indianapolis
Okay…well it’s not so secret. I searched Indianapolis vampire on Google and after reading a few weird forum pages found that the vampires of Indianapolis have a meeting location. 120 E Market St on the first Wednesday of every month when it’s late supposedly there’s some vampire stuff going down there. I looked up the location on street view and all I saw was Rook Security…which is just ominous enough that it could hold some secret vampire meaning!
3. A Woman In A Hospital Last Year Received An Exorcism After Her Child Walked Up The Wall Backwards
By far the one item on the list with the most evidence. Latoya Ammons received world wide attention when her story was published by the Indy Star last year. Ammons former residence in Gary, which is now owned by Zak Bagans of Ghost Hunters, was allegedly haunted by demons. Voices were heard in the basement, dogs growling, shadows cast with figures when no one was standing there…the list goes on. Ammons and her son were taken to the hospital after they believed they were possessed by demons.
They were met with skepticism by nurses, and city wellness members…UNTIL AMMONS SON WALKED UP THE HOSPITAL WALL BACKWARDS IN FRONT OF A FULL ROOM OF PEOPLE.
A priest was called in and did a total of three exorcisms before the demons were believed to be fully exorcised. Several people were interviewed, and every single person tells the same story. It’s not exactly Indianapolis…but I’d be doing you a disservice not letting you know about this one!
4. The Visitations of Copley Woods
In the 80’s an Indianapolis girl by the name of Debbie Jordan-Kauble was abducted by aliens and had transgenic experiments performed on her. These several abductions received national attention and were later made into a CBS mini series called “Intruders”. Deb lives in Kokomo now…and you can’t friend request her. I tried.
For those who don’t know what transgenic means, essentially Deb alleges her human DNA was spliced with alien DNA. This would make her half human and half extraterrestrial. I would love to get an interview with her!
5. There Is A Supposedly A Community Of Satanists Very Close To Us
Dr. Rebecca Brown was a doctor in the 90’s who documented several high profile cases with patients whom were satanists, possessed by demons, or demons themselves. Be warned if you pursue this one…it’ll mess you up. You’ll read accounts of patients who witnessed human sacrifices, black masses, and all sorts of crazy messed up stuff. Like seriously, super messed up stuff.
What’s crazier…Brown proclaims that there is a satanist community living on the outskirts of Shelbyville. Mind you not just a couple of these people, she believes an ENTIRE COMMUNITY. Read this excerpt from her book below…
“After I finished my residency in internal medicine and critical care, I opened a medical practice in a small town about 60 miles from the city in which Elaine was initiated into satanism. Over the next three years life was intense. Elaine was ill continuously, often bedfast with many hospitalizations.
I made many contacts during that time and was privileged to bring close to a thousand people out of hard-core Satanism. We ran sort of an underground railroad. We lived out in the country so we hid people out in our barn, in a small apartment attached to out garage, and also in an upstairs apartment over my office. Every penny I made went to help these people with food, clothing, transportation out of the state, medical care and so on. I averaged 3-4 hours of sleep per night. Towards the end of that time the battle escalated, becoming more intense.
In His perfect will, the Lord allowed the satanists to be the instrument of my mother’s death….
Satan struck one of his final blows to our ministry in that area. The satanists swept in, and in one night, while Elaine and I were out of the house for a couple hours, destroyed everything we had. They axed everything in my home, even killing our precious pets. They also destroyed my office and everything we had. Elaine and I escaped with our lives and the clothes on our backs, that is all. Satan’s attack was so well planned that at the same time everyone turned against us. My own father and the rest of my family turned against us. Elaine’s family helped the satanists destroy everything we had. Members of both our families moved to try to get us permanently committed to a mental institution. We had no choice but to flee the state.”