DAY RUINER: Honey Boo Boo is BACK and this time it’s with the release of her horrible pop song! Momma June and Sugar Bear are also dancing in the video called “Movin’ Up”:
It’s no secret that Taylor Swift has had numerous artists join her on tour to perform but NELLY was kind of a shock and we love it! The two performed “Hot In Herre” during the St. Louis leg of her ‘1989 World Tour’
What do you think about caffeinated peanut butter?! Guess what? It’s now on sale and they’re saying one tablespoon has as much caffeine as a cup of coffee. CLICK
THROWBACK: The National Toy Hall of Fame in New York just announced this year’s nominees and they include: the spinning top, Battleship, coloring books, Twister, American Girl dolls, Super Soaker water guns and puppets. Two of these will be inducted in November. CLICK
NEWS BLOOPER AT IT’S FINEST: This reporter at Fox 10 in Phoenix got a little too excited when covering high school football pregame. Especially when confessing his love for the Tuba! You’ve gotta watch what happens during his LIVE shot, CLICK