LOL: Oregon City Overrun By Aggressive Deer

You may have mixed feelings on living on the Midwest, but it does have a leg up on West coast in some respects. For what we lack in fresh hip-hop we make up for in deer control supposedly. Reuters said an Oregon town is having a town hall to discuss the recent “aggressive deer” that have been settling in their town. These deer are so comfortable with humans (due to years of feeding) that there are multiple reports of attacks, stalkings, and even dog stompings!

The city has debated many options such as giving the does birth control…or transferring the animals further into the forest but fear that they’ve grown to accustomed to city life…

And yes they’ve talked about “other” methods but said that’s just as ineffective as you’d have to kill 50 deer for it to have any effect. Wow killing 50 deer must be a huge task huh…

In 2013 over 126,000 deer were killed in Indiana hunting season. Maybe they should call some of our hunters? It has to be better than deer gangs messing up your town.