The Click: Top 5 Stories of 9/25 PM


Shout out to the mother who decided to kill’em with kindness! She was standing in line at a coffee shop when two middle-aged women started insulting her from behind. What this mother did next might shock you, bring tears to your eyes or could possibly show you the real meaning of “taking the high road”. This is amazing! You have to watch this video going viral:

Man BRAID vs Man BUN: Have you heard about this new fashion trend? Some are calling the style the new “IT” thing! CLICK (After you read, watch this tutorial on how to get this look):

When you think of a marriage proposal, what comes to mind? Probably not someone putting luxury cars into the shape of a heart for the occasion! CLICK to check out this creative idea.

If you didn’t think he was serious, think again! Kanye West says YES to his 2020 presidential run. He said, quote, “I sit in clubs and I’m like, ‘Wow, I’ve got five years before I go and run for office and I’ve got a lot of research to do, I’ve got a lot of growing up to do.”

What do you think your neighbors hate most about your yard?

1. Blowing leaves onto your property

2. Picking their flowers

3. When your sprinklers spray onto their stuff