The Click: Top 5 Stories for 9/24 PM


The craze seemed out of this world but apparently we aren’t as CRAZY over Pumpkin Spice as everyone is led to believe! Hard to grasp? If so, here’s what the research has shown. CLICK

WOW! Can a KISS cam really egg on sexual assault? Syracuse University has gotten rid of the kiss cam until an investigation is complete after a complaint. CLICK – What do you think about this?! Send us a Tweet @939TheBeat

Ever wonder how many episodes it takes to get hooked on a show Netflix allows you to stream? No need to ponder anymore because they did a study:

1. For shows like: “Scandal” and “Breaking Bad” it only took two episodes

2. Eight episodes for “Arrow” and “How I Met Your Mother”


Would you believe it if I tell you men spend more time shopping then women?! Believe it because it’s true… but only because they’re bad at it LOL! CLICK

Soooo, this girl tries Pepsi for the first time and loves it so much it brought her to tears!! Apparently she’s allergic to caffeine so her boyfriend bought her the caffeine-free stuff because he told her it basically tastes the same. Still no idea why she’s failed to pick up a two-liter of caffeine-free at her local grocer, but here’s the video for your viewing pleasure: