The Click: Top 5 Stories For 9/8 AM


Kanye West got an unlikely supporter for his 2020 bid…Chelsea Clinton! The first daughter said she thinks the rappers ambition is “awesome“.


Dwayne The Rock Johnson became a real life hero over the Labor Day weekend when he saved one of his French Bulldog pups from drowning in the pool. Someone was there to snap a picture and you can see that here!


A lot of you traveled this extended weekend and you may have came back with more than a good time. If you’ve flown here are the dirtiest things that can contaminate you on all plane rides.

Teens have found a new, sneakier way to do drugs. Turns out they are putting marijuana in their e cigarette tanks. Fox 59 explains how this is done, and how it may be happening without you even knowing!

Jackrabbits exist! Not only do they exist they also play Canadian football…check it out!