The Click: Top 5 Stories For 8/31 PM


A self made millionaire says there are four things you MUST do once reaching your success:

1. Stay humble

2. Set bigger goals

3. Work even harder

4. Ignore the haters

Here’s the full story

The new season of ABC’s ‘The Bachelor’ with IU grad, Ben Higgins will premiere in January of 2016. Here are nine things every ‘Bachelor’ fan has texted:

1. “NOOOOO!!!!”

2. This Side-Eye Emoji

3. Anything To Do With Roses

Check out the rest!

Are you fully prepared when you head out?! Check out the 13 items to keep in your purse at all times:

  1. Deodorant for that B.O.
  2. Baby wipes for a quick clean
  3. A few bandages
  4. Hand sanitizer

Find the full list here

The most important things your boss notices:

1. How early you arrive

2. . . . And how late you leave

3. The way you dress

4. How you’re using technology

Click this for more

Today’s viral video is one of my all time favorites! I love watching news bloopers but I’m not sure you can consider this a blooper. It’s just a meteorologist FREAKING out over a bug during his live shot LOL! Click for a good laugh