After the horrific shooting this morning of WDBJ TV station reporters, Allison Parker and Adam Ward, our thoughts are with everyone involved. There is a lot that has happened since and here is the very latest
(Via New York Daily News)
Be sure to join 93.9 The Beat for the 2015 Plane Pull benefiting the Special Olympics of Indiana this Saturday at the Indianapolis International Airport! Teams are still being accepted for this crazy fun event, as well as for the 3 on 3 Plane Pull Basketball Tournament. Click for everything you need to know!
Let’s just go ahead and call it the Pumpkin Spice TAKEOVER! Seriously, they’re making Pumpkin Spice Peeps and now Pumpkin Spice M&Ms… Maybe they’ve been around, maybe they haven’t either way, I have never heard of them and MUST TRY!! Look!!
Hey! If you’ve bought Starkist Tuna in the past five years, get ready to make the easiest 25 bucks ever! They just settled a lawsuit which means they’re paying up… Click
Happy #NationalDogDay, got a little something to help you celebrate