The Click: Top 5 Stories For 8/21 AM


Millions of men were exposed as cheaters yesterday through the Ashley Madison hack…the most famous of which being Josh Duggar. Duggar, who admitted to incidents of sexual molestation with his younger sisters in his teens earlier this year said he is truly a hypocrite in his message to “focus on the family”. Don’t think we needed his word for it.


You may have seen this recently on social media but the house from The Goonies actually exists! Unfortunately it’s now closed to the public after it’s owner shut the house to the public after it’s recent online fame. People were partying on the property overnight and doing all sorts of unspeakable truffle shuffle type things on the grounds. Read here.


Finish Him! The cult classic Mortal Kombat turns 20 years old today and you’ll never believe what famous female actress was almost the star of the film!


Need a reason to get off work early today? Tell your boss it’s for your health! Studies are showing those who work extended hours are increasing their risk of stroke!


Virtual reality is the future in gaming…but have you ever wondered how you would keep from stepping on your pet with all that gaming! This video shows how your pet can game with you!