With all the kids going back to school this month The Beat crew got to talking about the stuff we loved having back in our school days. With the help of Ranker we managed to find a couple…is yours on here?
9. Multi Colored Push Up Pens
Because one color was never enough…and who doesn’t love all in one! I had to put this one pretty low on the list though because every kid always wanted to use one if you had it…and then they’d break it trying to do two colors at once. It never failed.
8. Spacemaker Pencil Boxes
These were a life saver for the kid who couldn’t keep a clean desk and could never find anything. If you were me, the teacher would only let me put my glue in mine so only the box would get ruined when I left it open. Kids are still using these right?!
7. YIKES Pencil Sharpener
In third grade we had a teacher with this pencil sharpener and she was immediately the coolest teacher in school! A NICKELODEON PENCIL SHARPENER?! SO MANY COLORS. No joke kids from other classrooms would come to our room to ask if they could sharpen their pencil with it. Only now do I realize it was just a pencil sharpener.
6. Scratch And Sniff Stickers!
Oh man how sweet it was to find one of these on a spelling test. Kids would actually get in trouble for getting their papers out and sniffing them! Of course the sad part was the dumb kids were always the ones who appreciated them the most…but weren’t smart enough to get them.
5. Gel Pens
These things were ridiculously expensive considering how cheap you can get them for today…at least my parents told me they were too expensive. Of course true 90’s kids know you could pull off the top and blow inside them to make super cool ink designs on your paper!
The best things about these is that nobody had the same one and they were almost better as a bouncy ball than they were as an eraser. Seriously was anyone ever actually able to erase something with these?
3. Trapper Keepers
This signified the transition between grade school and middle school. You weren’t a kid anymore. You had HOMEWORK, RESPONSIBILITY, AND THINGS TO KEEP IN ORDER. I usually just used it as a giant folder for every class anyway.
2. Troll Pencil Toppers
Why were trolls so cool back then? I look at them now and they’re almost horrifying. I do remember using the hair to tickle a good amount of people as well…and also sticking the hair up my nose to make myself sneeze. Kids are gross.
Oh man…this was the stuff. Everyone ditched the white glue when they saw this. It looked cooler, smelled cooler, and according to the weird kid in my class tasted like a tuna sandwich. Anyone else ever put a bunch of glue on their hand and attempt to pull off the biggest clump of “glue skin” at a time?