It’s National Dessert Day! What Do You Like More, Cake or Pie?

Close up of waiter’s hand noting down menu on tablet.


It is an age old battle. Cats or dogs. Hot or Cold. Beef or Chicken. Roth or Haggar. Cake or pie?

A recent survey online found 72% of us are cake people.  Pie only ended up with 28% of the vote.  Here are five more questions about baked goods, and how people answered . . .


1.  Cookies or brownies?  It was close, but 52% said cookies.


2.  Chocolate chip cookies or some other kind of cookie?  74% said chocolate chip.


3.  Rice Krispie treats or lemon squares?  Rice Krispie treats got 62% of the vote.


4.  Cupcakes or muffins?  58% prefer cupcakes.


5.  Pumpkin bread or banana bread?  Pumpkin got less than a quarter of the vote.  77% said banana bread.
