One Tipton High School teacher’s dream was realized when the school was granted a $35,000 virtual reality and Esports lab. But it got better when he joined forces with another Indiana teacher. Together, the two teachers started the Indiana High School Esports Network (IHSEN).
According to WTHR, the network is made up of 18 participating Indiana high schools. WTHR reports that this initiative gives kids that aren’t interested in the traditional extracurriculars a chance to find a team-building opportunity.
There are 6 games the kids can compete in: Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, Rocket League, League of Legends, Overwatch, Hearthstone, & Forza.
The catch? These kids will still have to keep up their grades if they wanna play. Maybe the participation will boost their grades though. Heeeeeey.
Get the nitty gritty details of high school Esports from WTHR.