Are you ready to learn some stuff? It’s April 2nd and here’s what happened Today in Rock History!

Starting off with two releases today: Mutter from Rammstein and Mama Said by Lenny Kravitz.
It’s Leon Wilkeson of Lynyrd Skynyrd’s birthday today
We lost Seymour Stein in 2023. Stein was a music label exec for Sire Records, which he co-founded, and signed groups like the Ramones and Talking Heads. He also helped in founding the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Stein was later immortalized into the same hall he founded in 2005. And also in a Belle and Sebastian song. But in the words of Jack Black in High Fidelity:
During a Rolling Stones concert in Vienna, Austria in 1967, a very excited audience member throws a smoke bomb on the stage. This would lead to a riot that would, in turn, lead to the arrest of 154 fans.
Sticking with concerts, the Black Crowes performed a gig in Knoxville, TN in 1999. Why is this significant? Well, a year later, Joshua Harmon, a teenager who sat second row at the show sued the band for Five Grand, claiming that the show gave him significant hearing loss
And finally, in 1990, Nirvana starts work on demo versions of their many future hits, including In Bloom, Lithium, and Polly at Smart Studios in Madison, Wisconsin.
This has been Today in Rock History! Keep on Rocking, keep on Rolling! Check back tomorrow for your next rock history lesson!