Some Ass Clown Stole My Tire Cover


If I said that I have never stolen anything, that would be a lie. If I said that I have never stolen anything that belonged to another person, that would be the truth.

It most likely happened a  couple of days ago and I discovered it yesterday. I should have noticed sooner, but I don’t typically look at the back of my vehicle, unless I need to put something back there.

Some hole of the ass, decided to steal my tire cover. It most likely costs somewhere between 35-65 bucks. It had a Batman logo on it. My big problem is that it was a gift from Katelyn, the 15yr old kid that I help raise.

She picked it out knowing I am a big Batman fan. That stings the most. Needless to say, I have been pissed for more than 24 hours. It is frustrating because there is nothing you can do about it.


Have you ever had anything stolen from you? If so what was it and how pissed were you?