Guy Rats Out Another Driver For Bumping The Tesla On The Back Of A Car Carrier

So here’s the story. I was stuck in a back up on 70 yesterday morning. I know, shocker!  Traffic was stop and go. I watched the girl in the grey car, not paying attention while on her phone, run into the back of the black Tesla on that car carrier. The truck driver must not have felt it because he didn’t stop. The guy next to the grey car, in front of me, was obvioulsly telling the girl to tell the trucker what she did. Her response was her boyfriends middle finger from the passenger window. I could hear them all shouting, but not exaclt what they were saying.

Traffic moved a bit and the guy in front of me got the attention of the truck driver and he stopped. He got out, which backed up traffic even more, and I assume confronted the grey car’s driver.

Some might say it was a bit of a, “Richard,” move. I feel like the driver did the right thing?  Thoughts?

It wasn’t quite like this…