A Disgruntled Cable Company Customer Takes Her “Refund” . . . With a Crowbar

Hand in jail


We probably all feel like we have been ripped off by the cable company at one time or another.

 I know this is all kinds of illegal and a terrible idea . . . but she probably lived out a lot of people’s fantasies.


A 34-year-old woman named Diahianna Serraty from Deltona, Florida went to Spectrum Cable’s store on Tuesday afternoon and demanded a refund.  The employees wouldn’t give her one.



So . . . she went out to her van . . . grabbed her CROWBAR . . . and went back into the store to pry open the registers and grab her own refund.


The employees called the cops, and they were waiting at her house when she got there.


She’s facing an armed robbery charge . . . yep, she was “armed” with the crowbar.  (Daytona Beach News-Journal)