A Guy Steals a Thong Hanging to Dry . . . Without Realizing It’s a Man’s Thong

Panty on white bed sheet – background for sexual concept


There is an old saying that, “Karma is a Bitch!” This falls under that saying.

f you’re gonna be a criminal pervert, you’ve GOT to pay better attention to details.


There’s a 19-year-old guy in Shikoku, Japan, and apparently he has a thing for stealing women’s underwear.


So a few weeks ago, he saw a THONG hanging on the balcony of a ground floor apartment to dry . . . and he snatched it and ran.


But what he didn’t realize is that it was actually a 38-year-old MAN’S thong.


The cops were able to identify the guy from security footage, and he was arrested for theft.


They also broke the news to him that it was a man’s thong he’d been doing . . . whatever with since he stole it.  He told them, quote, “No way was it for a man.”  Oh, but it was.  It really was.