Whose Fault Is It If Your Phone Wakes You Up During the Night: Yours, or the Person Contacting You?

Close up of a man using mobile smart phone


If you’re like me, you leave your phone on just in case ish happens and you need to respond. It sucks, but I do it all the time.

Most of us curl up with our phones every night, or at least keep them right by the bed.  Which means we’ve all probably been woken up by a call or text in the middle of the night.

So a new survey asked:  When you get woken up by your phone, whose fault is it?

is it yours, for not turning off notifications or putting your phone in another room?  Or should you blame the person who thought it’d be fine to call or text you at 3:00 A.M.?

Well score one for personal responsibility . . . 50% of people say it’s your own fault if you get woken up.  36% say it’s the other person’s fault, and the rest aren’t sure.