Kim Kardashian has almost 61 million followers on Twitter, so when she tweeted at Jack In The Box to say she wouldn’t “fully put you on blast,” I felt that irony. Kim’s got jokes apparently.
Hey, Jack In The Box I have a serious complaint but I won’t fully put you on blast, check your corporate email inbox or send me a DM with direct person for my team to contact. Pronto!
— Kim Kardashian West (@KimKardashian) May 20, 2019
Now we don’t know what this is about, but Kim did clarify that this situation did not have to do with her or a messed up order.
I would like to add that this is not about me or a wrong order. Nobody recognized me and it’s something that I observed that affected other customers at this particular location that was concerning.
— Kim Kardashian West (@KimKardashian) May 20, 2019
But Twitter is a savage place and it didn’t take long for other fast food chains to start roasting Jack…
Psalm 5:20 – Thou shalt not go to Jack in the Box
— Carl’s Jr. (@CarlsJr) May 20, 2019
kim why are you going to jack in the box lol
— Steak-umm (@steak_umm) May 20, 2019
🔊 Jack In The Box to the principal’s office
— Burger King (@BurgerKing) May 20, 2019
Other users were not impressed with the way that she communicated her problem for all to see.
I hope you read this @KimKardashian . You’re an asshole for putting this up. Thousands of Jack In The Box employees are going to be harassed because of one incident you had. Fucking act like a grown up and call the store you had an issue with instead of putting them on blast. https://t.co/Oslah6z3w4
— Tony Posnanski (@tonyposnanski) May 20, 2019
Everyone’s making jokes about Kim Kardashian’s tweet to Jack In The Box but honestly it sounds pretentious and privileged AF. “DM me with a person to talk to pronto”??
I almost wish they’d have tweeted back, “Bitch no, we’re busy.” pic.twitter.com/gluGpS4US9
— The Speaker (@SheraeSpeaks_) May 20, 2019
Now I am just left with two questions.
- What was her issue with Jack In The Box?
- How does Kim Kardashian eat Jack In The Box and also have that waist?