Dear Kim K…I’m Tired of You.


Why? Why does Kim Kardashian constantly post naked pictures for the entire world to see on the internet?

Kim Kardashian is probably, hands down, the most popular celebrity on the planet right now. She’s never in dire need of press. Naked selfies are a desperate ploy for attention. I was literally forced to scroll past her naked antics yesterday.

Am I one of those “sanctity of marriage/cover yourself from head-to-toe in honor of your husband”-kind of people? Not really…but kind of? Women have the right to be sexy and show or cover whatever they want. But I find it extremely problematic that she’s the mother of a little girl who one day will probably want to post the same kinds of pictures, and even more problematic that the child’s father says what Kim does is “art.” No, it’s pornography. There’s no other way to describe it. She’s showing her naked body to the entire world in a sexual manner for people to consume. There’s nothing wrong with porn if that’s what you’re into, chile, but don’t paint it as anything other than porn.

She’s completely changed the social climate so that everyone posts naked selfies…and if you don’t you’re a prude. But what I find funny is she wants us to take her seriously (at whatever it is she really does), and completely erase her porn debut from our memory. How, Kim? You won’t let us forget. And Kris is Cruella de Vil in my book. She’s earned her family millions from making the country obsessed with her daughters’ overt sexuality by spinning it into products and fashion trends. I can’t say I haven’t indulged, but…still. What’s so valuable or admirable about naked bodies and middle parts? Whatever, girl.

To make a long story short, I’m tired of being forced to see her naked body. Get a grip. Clean it up, Kimberly.