Are YOU ‘Vulnerable’ Or Afraid Of That Word?


When it comes to your relationships: dating and marriage, are you as vulnerable as you want or can be or are you scared? I ask because I have always made a promise to myself that being vulnerable is of the utmost importance, even if that comes with an end result of positive or negative. I’ve actually experienced both and although living with a negative outcome can sometimes be a challenge, I know it makes me a better person at the end of the day.

“There are no guarantees. There never have been. But what is certain is that we deserve more than to have our vulnerability – the greatest vehicle to connection – shut down by fear. We cannot guarantee the outcome, but we can have faith in our ability to cope with it. Living and loving with a vulnerable, open heart will bring its own rewards. There is no daring more honest and more courageous than that which comes with respecting our vulnerability, embracing it and acting from it.”

It seems like society TODAY has people more and more scared of being vulnerable; closed off; afraid to express themselves in an honest way… all because we become increasingly afraid of what others might perceive or judge as a result of that pure honesty.

“Embrace vulnerability: As explained by Brene Brown, people with a strong sense of love and belonging believe that vulnerability is a necessity. They believe that within their vulnerabilities are the things that make them beautiful. And they’re right. Vulnerability is key to connection because it is the courage to be open to another human. It’s saying the words that are pressing from the inside. It’s opening yourself up to somebody getting closer. It’s letting them know. It’s giving without expectation or agenda. And receiving with an open heart.”

This morning I came across this profound read breaking it all down. Of course, I was in a rush to get out of the door but after a friend sent me the link, I could not STOP!

If this is something that crosses your mind from time to time, I really encourage to give this blog a read. Find it here!