Mom’s Wedding Ring Found Inside Baby

A mom learned the hard way you can’t leave anything lying around with a toddler, when the wedding ring she thought she’d lost forever showed up in an x-ray of her son.

The boy’s dad, Reddit user iamclarkgriswold, uploaded a photo of the x-ray on Thursday 28 January in a post titled: “My wife couldn’t find her wedding ring yesterday, we decided to have our baby x-rayed just in case.”



The image prompted comments such as: “Isn’t your baby more precious now ?”

On Reddit someone added: “Just remember; one day you will be asked to give a speech at your child’s wedding. I would lead off with this.”

The 14-month-old’s dad said the pediatrician suggested the x-ray to ensure the ring wasn’t getting stuck anywhere it shouldn’t.

He added that doctors had reassured him and his wife that they expected the ring to pass naturally, without surgery, so they were preparing to “dissect each diaper like 5th grade science class.”

He added that this would be a lesson they wouldn’t forget and explained:

“She had it on the bathroom counter while getting ready. He must have grabbed it. Don’t be too critical of us, he’s the third. The third practically raises themselves.”




