Welcome home, Teresa! Teresa Giudice of “Real Housewives of New Jersey” was finally released from prison after a year sentence this Wednesday morning at 5:01am.

Her lawyer says she and the family didn’t get a wink of sleep last night. But, she returned in Teresa fashion: she spent about 45 minutes primping in the prison bathroom before she came out, and came home to a brand new Lexus with a big red bow in the driveway!
I’m calling BS on this one. Wen Hair Care line was sued this week because their products have been causing women’s hair to fall out…and what a coincidence. Actress and Wen spokeswoman, Alyssa Milano, cut her hair into a pixie haircut! o_O do they think we’re blind?! Her hair totally fell out from using Wen. I’d bet my house on it!
There’s just too much cuteness! The Kardashians are known for their amazing Christmas cards they send out every year, but I think this year’s card takes the cake. It showcases a picture of the grandbabies: Mason, Penelope, North, & Reign! Aww!