R. Kelly’s Response When Asked: Are You In To Underage Women?

r kelly

Photo Credit: BET

In a recent interview with New York Magazine, someone asked R. Kelly if he was attracted underage women. His initial response was, “That’s a rumor that comes from the Earth, like all rumors . . .”

He goes on to say:

“No.  It’s not true.  I love women, period.  If I wasn’t a celebrity, people wouldn’t be saying these things about me . . . I understand the game.  Get as much dirt as you can on somebody, get it all together, and make it real juicy so we can sell some papers.  I understand the job you guys have to do.”

There’s an in-depth article published on vulture.com, where the writer poses the question: “He’s (Kelly) a musical genius — and he’s been accused of some awful things. Is it okay to listen to him?” This is right underneath the headline titled, “The R. Kelly Problem”.

Check out what the entire thing had to say here!