Photo Credit: People Magazine
Kim Kardashian-West is nervous about a high-risk pregnancy with her second child. Kardashian-West wrong on her website just how nervous she is and the possibility of having a hysterectomy come delivery time this December.
“I have been very open and honest about my pregnancy struggles. This pregnancy, I’m definitely scared for my delivery, but trying my best to be hopeful and not stress out too much!”
You may remember, Kim experienced some pregnancy complications during her last pregnancy:
“Last pregnancy, I had a condition called preeclampsia, which is a serious condition you can get during pregnancy; often, the only way to get rid of it is to deliver early to protect yourself and the baby. Only about 5 percent of woman get this. Lucky me! It causes your body and face to swell, and that was very uncomfortable for me. I had early-onset preeclampsia and I had to deliver at 34 weeks, almost six weeks early.”
Kim’s advice to anyone going through pregnancy troubles:
My advice to anyone going through this or anything difficult during pregnancy is that all you can do is be hopeful, get the best information out there and just be prepared. The more information you have, the better you know how to handle it!
We wish Kim and her family the very best as they move closer and closer to the date of bringing another beautiful child into our beautiful world!