The Click: Top 5 Stories of 11/2 PM


Adults have way less friends than they did 30 years ago. Sad, but true so here’s the formula on how to make new, long-lasting friends. CLICK

Darth Vader and new technology not really mixing to well. Check out how his ride on a hover board worked out:


Should people wait to open their baby shower gifts until after the guests leave? Interesting take from a Huffington post writer you can read about. How do you feel about it? CLICK

Weird! But coming off Halloween weekend, it’s appropriate. This cat breeder has figured out a way to make “frankenstine” cat, which looks like a werewolf year-round. CLICK

How much quality family time do you get everyday? As much as it sucks, don’t feel bad if it’s not as much as you would like because the average person only gets ONE hour each day, according to a new survey. CLICK