Surprised? Cheese Is As Addictive As Crack


Cheese. You see it on your pizza, your burger, even in your child’s lunchbox. Cheese is everywhere and on everything, and there’s a good reason as scientists are now saying that cheddar will hit you harder than a crack pipe. That’s right Jezebel reports that cheese is just as addictive, if not more addictive, than crack cocaine.

I totally believe it. I mean I’ve never done crack, so I can’t give a true comparison…but I’d do some crazy stuff if my cheese supply was cut off. Let’s hope that never happens.

Weirdly enough, the reason behind the need for cheese is it’s containment of opiates?! Casomorphin, which is found in cheese, makes us feel goooood, and melted cheese amplifies that effect…so yeah it’s basically drugs. No wonder Kraft is one of the biggest companies in the world!