The Click: Top 5 Stories of 10/22 PM


Are you in a relationship but have a little crush? It’s OKAY, don’t be ashamed by it! This article tells you it’s normal to have a crush on others while you’re in a relationship. CLICK

What NOT to say in an email: 1. preface it with, “I’m sorry…” STOP apologizing to people for asking them to do things, especially when it’s a part of their job. 2. “Just…” quit using it as a way to weaken a request or opinion. CLICK

The new emojis have arrived, including that middle finger one! Check them out here

Diddy say he will NOT be bringing back his “Vote or Die” campaign for the 2016 Presidential Election. His reasoning is interesting. CLICK

Hahaha, this cute wiener dog race got a little competitive to say the least! Some illegal contact should have been called against one of the pooches, so funny!







The Wiener Dog Races got a little competitive today during Deadwood’s Oktoberfest.

Posted by Black Hills FOX News on Saturday, October 3, 2015