The Click: Top 5 Stories of 10/5 PM


What do you think the best breed of dog is if you have small kids? Here are the six best dog breeds for couples who have small children. CLICK

How sweet! This 13 year old girl won a $70,000 SUV through a charity raffle and immediately gave it back to the nonprofit for mothers for children. CLICK

People got free airline tickets from JetBlue just by stealing their posters in NYC! It was kind of a test to see who would actually read the fine print:

A Country album for Nelly?! Despite the rumors he said he respects the genre way too much to dabble in something he knows he shouldn’t do. CLICK

Are you ready for the LOL moment of the day? A morning radio show in Zimbabwe went off the air last week for about an hour after a group of baboons raided their transmission tower and chewed through some cables, proving once again, you CAN’T make this stuff up! CLICK